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Product Name:Murphy Pressure and Temperature Sender/Switch ESPS & ESTS series

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Murphy Pressure and Temperature Sender/Switch ESPS& ESTS series

ESPS pressure sender/switch

ESTS temperature sender/switch

Sender outputs compatible with EG(S)21 seriesgauge/Swichgage


Switch output operates at factory set low pressure orhigh temperature limits, for triggering operator warning or engine shutdown

The ESPS and ESTS series are engine-mounted oil pressureand coolant temperature measurement sensors with both resistive sender andfault limit switch outputs.

The resistive sender outputs have the samepressure/temperature versus resistance characteristics as the Murphy ES seriessenders, allowing use with EG(S)21 seriesgauges or Swichgages, engine/genset controllers or input/output modules (e.g.the Murphy MeCAN interface).

Switch output contacts are normally open (at normalrunning pressures and temperatures), with the contacts closing to sensorbody/case ground when pressure falls below, or temperature rises above, thefactory set limits. The switch outputs can be used with external controldevices to signal fault conditions, and trigger operator warning and/or engineshutdown protection. For example, the contacts can be used in place of, or inaddition to, EG(S)21 Swichgage outputs, to provide two staged limits forwarning and shutdown